Hey Kids. I'm back with a real hotshot specially for your young ears!!
The Sinners, Lund's
major contribution to the history of rock'n'roll, started playing in the
winter of 1982-83. Prior to the Sinners, the members were involved in
various punk and new wave bands without gaining more than local success.
The Sinners did their first live appearance in September 1983 when they
played support to Wilmer X at
Fredman's in Malmö. They've been doing gigs regularly ever since and
have secured a position as one of the most exciting bands from southern
Sweden. In the very beginning they covered old Nuggets standards, but very soon they begun writing their own material. They released three singles (Open Up Your Door/Echoes (From Your Heart), Won't Be Back and Hotshot/I Won't Take That From You) on their own label Teenage Kicks. In April 1986 the Sinners did their first tour abroad with six successful gigs in France and appeared on French TV and radio. That was during this first french tour that I met The Sinners. On stage it was a real hot band, mixing sisties influences with pub rock in very exciting way. Out of stage, they were kind guys quite surprised by the success of their french tour.
Here's the third single on their own "Teenage kicks" label, pearhaps the best one with "Hotshot" and ""I Won't Take That From You", two great rockers. And for your patience, I deliver you a rare 2 songs' flexi disc on teenage Kicks with 2 covers "Teenage Letter" and "I Can't Tell"
Hey Kids! Me voilà de retour avec un vrai "coup fumant" pour vos oreilles sensibles!!
The Sinners, contribution majeure de la ville de Lund en suéde à l'histoire du Rock'n'Roll!
Formé en 1982 par différents membres de groupes punk et new wave, les Sinners firent leur première apparition live en septembre 83 en première partie de Wilmer X à Malmö. A leur débuts, ils se contentaient de faire des reprises de vieux standards ou de titres sixties tirées des Nuggets, à la manière de leurs grands frères des Nomads, mais rapidement ils se mirent à écrire leurs propres compos. les trois premiers singles sortirent sur leur propre label "Teenage Kicks"; celui-ci est le troisième, peut être le meilleur, avec deux titres de première bourre "Hotshot" et 'I Won't Take That From You" et pour le même prix j'y ajoute un rare flexi de la même époque avec un medley "Teenage letter/I Can't tell" qui traduit bien l'énergie des 5 garçons sur scène. Au printemps 86, ils avaient tous embarqués dans une camionette pour une tournée des clubs français. Sur scène, leur mix de'influences sixties et de pub rock était diablement efficace et j'ai le souvenir de gars vraiment cools tout surpris du succès de leurs prestations en France.